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About Me


I'm an entrepreneur by heart and computer scientist by training (CS graduate ETH Zurich).


I co-founded and helped to build multiple startups to multi-million businesses


Currently I'm working on multiple projects at different stages and industries. Always with a digital edge and technology & data at the core.


I also love to share my knowledge. Below are some forms and references where I had the opportunity to do this in the past. I'm always happy to try new formats as well!



Just get in touch if I can support you with anything.



Dissect businesses - Analyse data  - Challenge businesses assumptions - Review products, strategy and business models, R&D

  • Hyll

  • Flatev

  • GotCourts

  • mp technology

  • Viselio

  • Watson


Startups - Technology - Strategy - Product - User Experience - Marketing - Business Models

  • Rotary Club Zurich '18

  • Zurich Economic Impulse '17: Unconventional methods

  • Uberall Zurich '15: Advice And Why Not To Take It

  • Uberall Vienna '14: The Next Big Thing

  • MobX Berlin '14: UX vs. Product

  • Bison '14: Lean Startup


Connecting multiple fields - Computer Science - Technology - Marketing - Strategy​

  • Schweizerische Text Akademie (HWZ): CAS Digital Publisher – AI Writer/AI Prompter

  • Schweizerische Text Akademie (HWZ): CAS Influencer Management

  • Introduction to Computer Science ETHZ (Tutorial)

In the media

The startups I founded got media coverage from a variety of national and international outlets such as Tages Anzeiger, Bilanz, Handelszeitung, 20min, Blick am Abend, Techcrunch, The Verge, TNW, Lifehacker, Werbewoche, persönlich, The Wallstreet Journal and many more. Personally, I do rarely interviews but you can find some selected here:

Things people might not know about me

  • I'm also a food technologist by training, doing my apprenticeship at BINA (Bischofszell Nahrungsmittel AG), where I was part of the front-line workforce and gained first-hand experience in industry. It was an invaluable experience that still has an influence on me to this day.

  • I'm the Worlds 31st best Solitaire player: I wanted to break into the top 50 and then stop playing. I've rarely played a game since.

  • I had various different side-jobs: I distributed newspapers, sold insurances and newspapers as a call center agent, did keyword-stuffing (also known as SEO nowadays) at HolidayCheck and worked on a chicken farm. 

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